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Top Six Reasons I Don't Want to Put My Children in Your Church Nursery

Matthew 25:40

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

No welcoming smile-there is nothing worse then walking into a new place and everyone greets you with a scowl or no greeting at all. It leaves you feeling like they don't even want you there in the first place. Why am I even here? These people don't care about me. How would they care for my children? First impressions are important!

No Confirmation- "Oh my bad, you already know everything there is to know about my kid you've never met." Said no parent ever. There needs to be a sheet for parents to fill out! What is their child's name? What are they allowed to eat or drink? Are they allergic to anything? What is their number in case of an emergency? What are the parents name? How do they know you won't hand their most valued treasure off to a stranger?!

No Cleanliness- I might be able to overlook your outdated toys and equipment if it were nicely kept and clean.

  • Bugs and crumbs on floor? Yuck! Vacuum your nursery!

  • Sticky dirty toys? Clorox disinfectant wipes can go a long way to make your nursery look, feel, and smell nicer.

  • There's nothing nicer than a clean baby sheet, and soft blankets nearby for baby's comfort if they need a nap.

  • No changing table is complete without disposable gloves and hand sanitizers nearby.

There is no telling how many sicknesses will be avoided if these simple steps are taken!

No qualified caretakers- This is not an area to just pick whoever wants to volunteer.

  • Do background checks!!! It is pertinent, it is nescessary, it is not debateable! Protecting the children became your responsibility the moment you agreed to have a church nursery. Do NOT put someone in charge of children without having done a back ground checks. What a shame it would be for you to be so neglectful in letting such a thing happen.

  • The person needs to be at least 16, and if they're any younger, you need to have another adult there.

No access- Let's just go shove your kids in this old dark closet. A small musty place, with no windows or not even a half open door is not acceptable for you to place children in. With windows, or a half open door, or even cameras it gives accountability to all of your nursery workers.

Neglectful signs- There is nothing that says I'm negligent more then leaving dangerous things lay around for children.

•Push pins are a Big HUGE NO NO!!! It doesn't matter that they are convenient to hang up your crafts! Children have choked on these and died. Use sticky tac, or tape instead.

•Receptacles need to be covered with child proof covers.

•Window shade draw strings need to be put out of reach from children.

•Do Not put toys, bumper pads, pillows, food or anything else in infant cribs! The only things that go in cribs are infants and maybe a small breathable blanket or even better a sleeper outfit.

Too many times I've walked into nurseries with cribs stuffed full of things that should never be put in a crib. For goodness sake, store those things somewhere else or get rid of them!

These are my 6 top reasons people don't want to, and probably shouldn't, put their children into your church nursery.




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