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Eyes Wide Closed

Keeping up with political issues


I believe we have a Christian duty to stay educated about current news and politics. I believe it’s a poor testimony of Christ to choose to be ignorant regarding many important issues taking place, especially because much of what happens affects us Christians directly. We should be informed not so that we can fret and worry about what is happening, but so we can defend our Christian Political world views in an educated manner and so we can know more specifically how to pray for our nation, leaders, and world.

I was 17, visiting the Holocaust museum in Washington D.C. They had an exhibit to bring awareness to Genocides that were still happening in the world. This was the first time I remember being disappointed in myself for being so blind to world events and news.

I had no idea same-sex marriage legalization was even being discussed let alone being voted on by the Supreme Court. When I heard this law had passed, it was another key moment when I realized I was still in the dark about what was happening around me.

As soon as politics or subjects of news were brought up, I immediately would zone out of the conversation. I knew I would not understand what they were talking about fully, I didn’t have a view formed and therefore had no opinion to offer.

This ignorance on my part bothered me. Every day history is being made. Many world events we are living through right now will be written down in History books for the next generation to read about. Every day laws are being passed that affect our culture and religious liberty. How sad to be in the dark on these matters that shape our nation.

For a long time, I desired to be informed but didn’t know what resources to use, or where to start. My awareness of what was happening was drawn solely from listening to others political discussions and the occasion headlines I read access the bottom of the T.Vs while I was at the gym.

We now live in a day where ignorance is inexcusable. I will share a tool I use in order to stay informed and aware of what is happening.


“The Briefing”by Albert Mohler, this Podcast is absolutely exceptional! It is a daily analysis of news and events from a CHRISTIAN world view! I listen to this before I listen to any other news.

I love this podcast, number 1, because he touches on topics that are (or should be) incredibly important to Christians such as what is going on with abortion laws, LGBTQ movements, assisted suicide etc.

I love it number 2, because he deconstructs headlines and warns of what message the media is attempting to get across to its listeners. I believe it can be dangerous to only listen to liberal media and news, we need to keep a guard up make sure we aren’t blindly accepting the angle and light they are painting the news in. Whenever we listen to news, we need to constantly be trying to see everything from a Christian’s perspective.

There are many other podcast full of news, such as “the Daily” by The New York Times. NPR politics etc.

These podcasts are only 20 min usually; you can listen while doing your makeup, while driving, while doing the dishes, anytime!

There’s all kinds of news apps you can download. If you don’t have a smartphone there are always radio stations you can tune into to hear what’s going on while driving.

As in all things balance is necessary. We all know the one uncle or co-worker who can’t talk about anything but politics. I wouldn’t engage someone in a heated or controversial discussion, but in the event that I have been engaged in one by someone else, it was nice to know I had some idea of what I was talking about and was able to defend my view with grace and confidence without being loud, dogmatic or narrow-mind, just well informed.



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