Healthy People Eat Salads

Several years ago I decided I wanted to eat healthier. I was fortunate enough to be living at home with a very health-conscience mother. Healthy food was always available for me, but choosing the pop-tart over a health bar or the oatmeal was a no brainer for me.
For my first step of being healthy, I began to prepare a salad, because that is what healthy people do, right? You know the process, wash and dry the lettuce. Cut up various vegetables; add croutons, cheese, bacon, and ranch. I ate my "not-so-healthy" salad and found myself hungry only minutes later. I know there are many people who actually enjoy eating salad. That’s awesome! Keep it up! But it’s just not my thing. I stared at the Vita-mix blender on the counter. What if I drank my salad?
The next day I blended all the healthy things I could find, whole apples, carrots, you name it. I gagged down the entire blender full of whatever I had just concocted. Even though it tasted awful, I loved that had just consumed so many healthy veggies in only minutes. Of course with time, these smoothies have become far more enjoyable! Making my smoothie is something I really look forward to!
Create your own personal smoothie. How many people do you know who eat broccoli and carrots and don’t even know what those vegetables are good for? Research and design a smoothie specifically tailored for you. Set your goal, and find what foods will help achieve that goal. For example, I wanted foods that would boost metabolism, help burn fat, help my digestive system. I also wanted my smoothies to be filling, and help my energy. Knowing that every ingredient in your smoothie is specifically designed to help you reach your goal is an awesome feeling. Here’s a list I’ve complied of common smoothie ingredients. We all know that these ingredients are loaded with vitamins and minerals, I’ve simply listed some other things these ingredients specifically aide in. Have fun creating a smoothie that is perfect for you! Don’t give up on it, you will certainly notice the benefits if you keep it up!
Step1. Start with a liquid base.
(substitute the base for a Bolthouse, Odwalla or Naked juice smoothie if you like)
Coconut water
Step 2. Add your greens
• Metabolism boosting
• Cellulite-blasting
• Antioxidants
• Anti-inflammatory
Step 3. Add fruits (fresh or frozen)
• Metabolism boosting
• Fiber
• Energy
• Metabolism boosting
• Mental focus
• Fat burning enzymes
• Omega 3’s
• Strengthens immune system
• Powerful antioxidant
• Cellulite blasting
• Major antioxidant
• Cellulite blasting
• Heart health
• Fat burning enzymes
• Heart health
• Digestive system
• Fiber
• Weight loss
• Healthy skin
• Eye health
• Great for pregnancy
Step 4. Super charge your smoothie.
Chia seeds-
• Fiber loaded
• Protein
• Energy booster
• Antioxidant
• Belly flattener
• Fiber
• Fat burning enzymes
• Helps cholesterol
• Boosts metabolism
• Antioxidant
• Anti-inflammatory
• Omega 3’s
• Fiber
• Weight loss
Coconut oil-
• Good fat
• Helps cholesterol
• Fat burning
• Healthy skin/hair
Fish oil-
• Omega 3s
• Weight loss
• Immune system
• Anti-inflammatory
• Hair/skin health
• Circulation