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Marathon Experience

" A marathon is hundreds of miles, the finish is the last 26.2"

Monday, January 14th 2016

Text from friend in Louisville: "Do you still run?" I replied "Yeah, why?". She asked, "Do you want to run the Kentucky derby Marathon with me?".

"....yes", I thought immediately, I've run and run for two years, I never really had an end goal, but I knew I could do it. Why had I never done it before? I'm not sure. I just knew I wanted to.

"When is it?" I asked.


3 months.

I downloaded a training app, the plan it mapped out for me was overwhelming. Almost 60 workouts, ranging from 6 mile sessions to 23 mile sessions. I decided to do whatever this little app said, because I had no other idea of what to do.

I didn't buy special clothes. I didn't buy new shoes. I simply ran the little plan every day I could. Marathon training takes a big chunk of your mind and time.

No more free running at whatever speed I felt like. No time for weight lifting. No days off.

The closer the Marathon got, the scarier it was. I had some injuries from training What happens if they become excruciating during the marathon? (This had happened during training) what if I twisted my ankle? What if I got terrible side cramps that wouldn't go away? ( this also had happened before) what if I just couldn't run? If I had no energy?

The day came. The day I couldn't stop thinking about since January. Had I done everything I could? Was I ready to run 26.2 miles? I didn't have a strategy. I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

Mile 1

Go! There was an adrenaline rush/ thrill that I'd never felt before. It honestly was a high. So excited and energized and ready to go!! Surrounded by thousands of other runners was exhilarating.

Mile 2

It was pouring. I was worried my phone would break. I was glad I had my free marathon hat on.

Mile 13

I watched as many yellow bibbed half marathoners headed toward their finish line. Just the orange bibbed full marathon runners now.

Mile 15

I knew I couldn't stop running. Not even for a moment or the blisters forming from the friction would immediately fill with fluid and make it harder to run.

Mile 18

I had to stop. I had no choice. I had to use the restroom. All my fears came true. Stopping even for just that minute made the injuries flare and the blisters fill. The cramps began. I was terrified. I had to keep going. I had to start running again. The mental battle began. For the first time I thought I might not be able to finish the race. I had to Ignore my body, think of how others had powered through pain. I pretended this was a life or death situation, and that I had no choice. I was doing anything to distract my mind and keep going.

Mile 19

My beats headphones broke from all the rain. Beyond thankful I had an extra pair of earbuds.

Mile 22

I had never run this far in my life. I felt like I was snailing along. The fatigue was setting in. But the end seemed close.

Mile 24

A second wind was starting. My legs felt as heavy as lead, I felt my phone buzzing and knew it was josh texting me encouragement.

Mile 26

This was it! I was almost done! I couldn't believe it was almost over! I picked up speed and gave it everything I had left. I passed person after person. I couldn't stop imagining crossing the finish line! I was picturing Josh waiting for me there! I passed the finish line with the biggest smile on my face! I was so glad it was over! I had done it! I understand the term "runners high" more than I ever have before. The thrill was unmatched by anything else I'd ever done. I was Elated!


Walking back to the car was excruciating. I felt like I'd been hit by a bus. I was limping along. I had blisters the size of my hand.


Training for Marathon #2 but with Josh this time!




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